Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Here you go guys - what you have all been waiting for and perhaps "dreading" ;)


1. Siddarth Singh Rathore
3. Jonty Kandpal
5. Rizwan Sumar
7. Bharat Ramchandani


2. Anil Goel
4. Ashutosh Goel
6. Ayaz Vasi
7. Haresh Ramchandani

This is how the matches would be played


10:15 - 10:45 Sid v/s Jonty Rizwan v Bharat
10:45 - 11:15 Anil v Ashu Ayaz v Haresh
11:15 - 11:45 Sid v Rizwan Jonty v Bharat
11:45 - 12:15 Anil v Ayaz Ashu v Haresh
12:15 - 12:45 Sid v Bharat Jonty v Rizwan
12:45 - 1:15 Anil v Haresh Ashu v Ayaz


SF 1 -- Winner of Group A vs Runner up Group B

SF 2 - Winner Group B v/s Runner up Group A


Winner of SF 1 vs Winner of SF 2

Some rule additions since last time

  • In case 2 or more players are tied on the same no. of wins after the RR league then winning % in games played in all sets will be counted
  • In case a player concedes a match mid way the opponent will be granted a victory + the game in which the person defaulted (irrespective of game score at that point in time) will be awarded to the winning player
  • In case a player concedes a match before the start of the set, the opponent will be granted a victory only but he will not get a winning differential (this is as per ATP rules)
  • If a player's racquet strings break in mid match he can opt to use a spare or borrow from another player. He will not be allowed to stop the match. However he may request a slight rescheduling of the next match in order to be able to restring his weapon
We are working on a points award system for this tournament which will enable us to arrive at a basic ranking system - this will help us identify seedings when we play next on the tour.

As usual this is a first, so all suggestions/recommendations/advise is welcome --- criticism is not!!!!


PS --- ill open the betting counter a week before the match - Haresh will release odds and everyone else and his uncle are welcome to take a punt (REAL MEN DONT PLAY, THEY PAY - so keep the cash handy guys - this is for real)

Black Rock Tour of Wannabe Champions Edition 1

Hi Guys (Gals also welcome),

This is a formal announcement of the 1st Edition of a tournament we hope to host more often and with greater participation.
Haresh and i sat down and decided to form our own tour and to start with we have nicknamed this tour the - AATP Tour ie. "Association of Amateur Tennis Professionals". We are bestowing honorary membership to everyone marked in this first mail of the group.

The very first stop on this tour is scheduled to be a hard court (do we have any other options) tournament to be held at MSLTA on 18th and 19th of October 2008. The tournament is planned on the lines of the ATP World Masters ie 2 groups of 4 players each to be selected thru an open draw will play a round robin league each. The top two finishers of each group will proceed to the semi finals and the from thereon the finals.
As of now we see 7 confirmed entries (hopefully all of us will be in town and available for this prestigious event) with 1 spot to go to either a wild card or an invitee of one of the AATP members.
Entrants (please confirm your availability) - as this is the first edition we will be charging each entrant a small entry fee of Rs.650. Hopefully the
Haresh R; Bharat R; Siddharth Singh; Siddharth Sharma; Ayaz Vasi ; Jonty Kandpal ; Ashutosh Goel.
The programme will work like this (subject to availability of courts which should not be too much of a problem).
Day 1 (18th Oct 2008)
Reporting: 9:30 am
Event begins 10:00 am Event Concludes 2: pm
2 courts will be booked for 4 hours straight - 1 for each group.
Round Robin matches will be played in a Single Set format with a tiebreak
5 minutes for warm up for each match.
We will have an option of an evening session in case the weather becomes difficult to handle (read rain/sunshine)
Day 2 (19th Oct 2008) Day Session
Reporting: 8 am
Event begins 8:30 am Event concludes 11 am
1 court will be booked for 3 hours straight - both semi finals to be held 1 after th eother.
Semi Final matches will be played in a Single Set 9 Game format with a tie break
10 minutes for warm up for each match.
Day 2 (19th Oct 2008) Evening Session
Reporting Time: 6:30 pm
Event begins 7:00 pm Event Concludes 9:00pm
1 court will be booked for 2 hours under lights - Finals to be held
Final will be played as a best of 3 sets (First 2 sets = conventional with tie break / 3rd Set - Super Set tie break - 1st to 10 with a diff of 2)
10 minutes for warm up.
Standard Rules and Regulations
Umpiring will be conducted by the group members not participating.
Lines to be called by players only with umpires decision being final in case of a challenge
Breaks between games as per ATP regulations only.
Breaks between games to be of 1 min only.
All players requested to wear shorts and tees + non marking shoes.
Balls will be provided for Match play
Balls to be picked up by players or by non playing participants ie no ball boys
Refreshments/Snacks to be organized by each participant
Extra practice can be organized by players separately but match courts should not be used till completion of day's events
All players have to compulsorily attend all the events for its duration to keep the festivities alive
Please do not be late to avoid inconvenience to other players. Special request for the Round Robin League can be accomodated if given advance notice
All other rules to be made up as we go on
All of you are requested to bring as many family and friends as possible to add color and fest to this event. I am very hopeful that following this first edition we will be able to expand the scope and scale of this in it's 2nd edition (for which we will not wait 1 year - more likely a quarter at worst) and have many more players participating.

We do not have any official sponsors as of now. However it is confirmed that Baskin Robbins will offer complimentary ice creams to the participants and will also provide Gift Vouchers to the winner and runner up.
All you guys - can you bring in some other short of fun sponsorships???? I am keeping this open for now......................
Also am looking for one more confirmed entry to complete the draw. I really do not want to use a bye for one group (that would be sad)
Any suggestions/ideas/brainwaves to make this better/bigger/more exciting are welcome.
Please please confirm your participation right away this week - if so ill go ahead and book the courts next week itself to avoid inconvenienceing our highly professional MSLTA administrators later on.
THERE YOU GO - that was long (i deserve a bye just for writing this)!!!!!
By the way - please save this id on your individual comps/email clients/blackberrys/iphones/
etc - this is now the official id of the AATP