Saturday, December 25, 2010

AATP - Exos

After the Rafa-Rog Exos - MATCH FOR AFRICA the AATP is proposing to hold its own exos on the first weekend of the new year (2nd January 2011) at MSLTA - the event will be a doubles event - a first for the AATP.

The event is open for participation to all AATP members and the team-ups are also to be decided between the players themselves - the AATP will not solicit or propose any combos.

We need a minimum of 4 teams to sign up for the event to be possible and we encourage all the AATPians out there to come and support the cause - MATCH FOR AATP.

This exo will also help us test out the doubles format for serious tournament play later in the season.

The rules, regulations, participation fee etc will all follow but the sign up date is latest 29th December 2010 (by return mail to