Friday, November 28, 2008

This is not a blog about tennis guys. I dont have the heart to even think about going out there and attempting it.

I could not find any other picture except these but it does not really matter - the story is not in the face but in the minds and the hearts. I am going to borrow a line without remorse from pop culture and put it out (with license) for all of us to ponder over

" these are the heroes we need but not the heroes we deserve!! When will we be able to live in a India we can proudly stand next to them (and not behind) and declare that they are the heroes that we deserve and not the heroes that we need???"

As i write this i dont have the answer but i also know that i cannot look to anyone else for the answer - it has to come from within. So i dont know what i am going to do tomorrow or day after but for sure i am going to do something which will allow me the pleasure of answering that question.

In gratitude today
In memorium tomorrow
& in promise .....................


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